The MS Dhoni led Chennai Super Kings (CSK) won the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2023 beating the Gujarat Titans in the final held in Ahmedabad earlier in May this year. With the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 currently ongoing in India, things are now starting to take place for the IPL 2024, likely to be played from March next year.
Various sources have finally confirmed the potential date and venue for the IPL 2024 Auction to be held. As any die-hard fan of the Indian Premier League would know that a player auction always take place few months prior to the IPL where all the teams get the opportunity to build their squad with the edition of new players in the team.
First reported by the Cricbuzz that the IPL Auction this year would be held in Dubai between the 15th-19th December was confirmed by the ESPNcricinfo that the IPL will eventually be held in Dubai on the 19th December. So that means that all the 10 IPL teams don’t have long enough to prepare the list of retained and released player list ahead of the IPL 2024 Auction.
According to reports from both the sources, the trade window is currently open for teams to trade players among each other and that the deadline for the teams to submit their list of retained and released players has been set for the 14th November. All the teams must submit their list of retained or released players on or before the 14th of November. Meanwhile, unlike the Mega Auction, there is no restriction on the number players a team can retain.
Now the fans of each and every team would like to know which are the players who have been retained by their favorite team. The fans of every IPL teams would get to know the list of retained player once they are submitted to and approved by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI). Thus the fans can hope for the official announcement on the 14th November or 2-3 after the deadline for submitting the list of player.