The Lucknow IPL Franchise has been named Lucknow Super Giants. On the back of the announcement, owner Dr Sanjiv Goenka, Mentor Gautam Gambhir and captain KL Rahul sat down for a conversation with Boria Majumdar. In the interview, Gautam Gambhir talked a few things about the formation of the squad. In this article, we take a look at what Gautam Gambhir had to say about the construction of the Lucknow Super Giants IPL squad.
Lucknow Super Giants IPL squad has hired KL Rahul as the captain
The Lucknow-based franchise recently announced the list of players who they had signed before the auctions. While KL Rahul was signed as the captain, Marcus Stoinis and Ravi Bishnoi were the other picks. The team already has a good backroom staff in the form of Andy Flower, Gautam Gambhir and Vijay Dahiya.
Gautam Gambhir talks about the team construction
It will be interesting to see which route Lucknow takes in setting up its squad. Regarding this, Gautam Gambhir said, “We don’t want to copy anyone, we need to have our own template. What better than when you have no baggage.”
Part II- #LucknowSuperGiants special with Sanjiv Goenka @rpsggroup @klrahul11 and @GautamGambhir what’s the auction plan? Why Stoinis and Bishnoi?
— Boria Majumdar (@BoriaMajumdar) January 24, 2022
Till now, most franchises have adopted a unique brand of squad construction. Lucknow has two intelligent thinkers in the form of Gautam Gambhir and Andy Flower. Hence, most fans are waiting for the strategy that they would use to build their squad. The picks so far have given a hint but the auctions will give a clear picture.
Meanwhile, the auctions are set to happen on February 12th and 13th in Bengaluru. IPL has already announced the list of players who have registered for the event.