Former owner of the Royal Challengers Bangalore franchise, Vijay Mallya recently posted a photo with the Universe Boss Chris Gayle on social media right now. Mallya bought the Bangalore-based franchise in 2008 and was the head of the team for many years. After his involvement in an off-field financial issue, Mallya relinquished his position as the RCB owner.
During Mallya’s time as the owner of the Royal Challengers Bangalore team, he signed some of the biggest names in world cricket. The likes of Virat Kohli, Rahul Dravid, Anil Kumble, Mark Boucher, Shivnarine Chanderpaul, Misbah-ul-Haq, AB de Villiers, Chris Gayle, Kevin Pietersen, Jacques Kallis, Wasim Jaffer and several other well-known stars played for the Bangalore-based franchise during those years.
According to Mallya, his best acquisition was Chris Gayle, who was signed by the team as a replacement for Dirk Nannes in the 2011 season. Gayle went on to win the Orange Cap in 2011 and 2012. While he could not help RCB win the championship, not a single cricket fan will forget his golden run in IPL 2011 and 2012.
“Great to catch up with my good friend Christopher Henry Gayle @henrygayle , the Universe Boss. Super friendship since I recruited him for RCB. Best acquisition of a player ever,” Vijay Mallya wrote on Twitter today.
Great to catch up with my good friend Christopher Henry Gayle @henrygayle , the Universe Boss. Super friendship since I recruited him for RCB. Best acquisition of a player ever.
— Vijay Mallya (@TheVijayMallya) June 22, 2022
Chris Gayle is likely to return in IPL 2023
Chris Gayle opted out of IPL midway during the 2021 edition of the league. He then skipped the 2022 season owing to personal reasons, but the Universe Boss has clarified that he aims to play in IPL 2023.
Royal Challengers Bangalore should look to sign him and give him the farewell that he deserves. Fans would love to see him playing at the M Chinnaswamy Stadium again.